The Beech Bay Window, A Look Inside

Saturday, September 16, 2006


I'm running out of titles so I'm just going to use Arrested Development quotes.

Still nothing from USCIS or our placement agency, not a big surprise.

Ethan had soccer this morning. He shot at the goal 3 times but never actually made a goal. We were proud though, this year he knows there is a goal and the ball is supposed to go in it. He seems to be following the game much more this year. Gavin had a good time torturing his friend Laura. All in all, a good morning. There's a Jazz festival in town today so I think we're going to try and go once Jason gets home from work.

The picture is of the boys at the Sioux Falls SD zoo in June. It was a nice little zoo. I don't recommend the "train" ride. It's essentially a tour of the new fence they built. For some reason we waited 15 minutes to ride the thing too...


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