The Beech Bay Window, A Look Inside

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bum over Noggin

Still using the AD quotes. Since there's only two people who actually have this URL, I made a switch over to

I'll keep this site open for a while to see if which is better. The one thing we now about caringbridge is they limit pictures. That won't be a problem until we travel. We may find something else for the travel site but we'll have this all figured out by then.

Somedays, it's better not to ask

No forms again today. I'd better leave it at that.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I kind of feel like the kid who found the severed hand

Another AD quote to start the day.

I hate to have this blog sounding like a big complaint but we still haven't received our last documents from either our placement agency (who we're not naming because we're not sure we want to give them free advertising, good or bad) and Immigration. Immigration we expect to be slow, it's the gov't after all. Our agency we expected better. Jason said he'd call and find out what's going on if the packet doesn't come tomorrow.

In other news, we have to do fundraising for Ethan's school. There's nothing like trying to get a 5 yr old to sell stuff. He hasn't a clue as to what he's doing and I'm not really excited about doing it for him. The group makes it hard by not having the correct stuff online. How are we supposed to sell to our wonderful out-of-town family if they can't see the stuff they're supposed to buy? Ugh.

Okay, I need to have one good thing for every complaint.
#1. It's beautiful outside. I can't wait for Gavin to wake up and Ethan to come home from school so we can spend the rest of the afternoon out back playing.
#2. The Newsweek came today, now I have something to read.

I tried to post one of my favorite pictures of the boys, but it wouldn't load. I'll try again later.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


I'm running out of titles so I'm just going to use Arrested Development quotes.

Still nothing from USCIS or our placement agency, not a big surprise.

Ethan had soccer this morning. He shot at the goal 3 times but never actually made a goal. We were proud though, this year he knows there is a goal and the ball is supposed to go in it. He seems to be following the game much more this year. Gavin had a good time torturing his friend Laura. All in all, a good morning. There's a Jazz festival in town today so I think we're going to try and go once Jason gets home from work.

The picture is of the boys at the Sioux Falls SD zoo in June. It was a nice little zoo. I don't recommend the "train" ride. It's essentially a tour of the new fence they built. For some reason we waited 15 minutes to ride the thing too...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Still waiting

We talked to our placement agency last night. Our Case worker said she'd send out the next batch of forms today. Why didn't she send them last week when she said she was going to, I don't know. We're frustrated with them, but need to maintain a pleasant relationship in case they have to go to bat for us later on. I just want the dossier completed and on it's way. I can wait for the Vietnamese gov't to do their thing, I don't like waiting for our agency to do their job, especially since it seems we have to tell them what to do and when to do it.

In other news, we're trying to retrain our cat to use the litter box. She's had a bladder infection for the last 3 weeks and she keeps peeing outside the box. On the mat is fine, that's easy to clean, on the baseboard, a little harder to take. Unfortunately, she seems to like spending time in her room (It's a utility room with the water heater as decoration).

Both boys are doing well. Ethan is getting harder to wake up in the mornings for school. I think he's finally settling into the new schedule, but we can tell he's getting tired. Gavin is working on his 5th puzzle for the morning. He skinned his knee this morning and every so often he remembers he's supposed to be limping.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Is it slow mail or a slow agency?

Today has been a frustrating day on the adoption front. Still no I-171H and still no packet from our placement agency. We're waiting on 3 forms and then we can send our dossier to be certified, authenticated and then finally to Vietnam. It's a mixed bag having an agency that does everything in order. They won't send you stuff so you can get ahead so we end up waiting. I don't like waiting. I guess we'd better get used to it though, we have plenty of waiting ahead of us. We're still working on loading pictures and creating an adoption timeline. Hopefully we'll have those up soon.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Welcome to our Blog. We're trying to find a method of sharing our adoption journey with the masses. This seems to be a popular place for adoption journals so we thought we'd give it a shot. Bear with us as we figure out how to use this site.